Well it's been a while since I last wrote and a lot has happened in the past month and a half!
- We have seen 24 people saved since coming back to Cambodia, thank you Jesus!
- Josh Peters served with us for a month and was a real blessing
- A team went to Morrisay and had a special Youth meeting and visited some house churches
- 4 new house churches have been added to our ministry in Morrisay
- A Vietnamese Barber is now living in our church building
-Patrick from Saskatchewan is going to work with us for a month
- On September 9th our Youth went to Pursat for a Youth retreat and came back pumped
- On September 15th we had a Women's Seminar led by Rachelle and Srai Sim.
- I spoke at the Full Gospel Church in Chang Rai and also at the Mae Fah Luang University in Chang Rai
- Had a nasty Flu for 5 days but now feel great!!
And the real big news is that, our church now has a Government License to legally hold worship meetings!! Praise you Lord!! We have been trying to get this for a long time and finally have got it!! It's a huge answer to prayer!
We are still believing God for 180,000 US Dollars for a 10 Acre piece of land to build a childrens home, a Bible school, a place to play sports and in general, to make disciples!! We need 20,000US Dollars down and then we can take ownership of the land. If you feel led to give to this project, let me know.