Well I promised many of you that I would show you pictures of Boosapual in Canada, so here are a few!!
They guy is adapting to life in a 'modern' country extremely well!! I am slightly blown away by how well he is doing, honestly!! I thought he would be a lot like a dear caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle but he's doing great!
Today he had Tim Hortons for the first time and tonight we will take him to watch the Canada Day fireworks!! Should be fun!
For those of you who are interested, I am sharing at Transform Central in Abbotsford Saturday night (July 11th), and will be sharing at Living Waters in Fort Langley Sunday morning (July 12th).
On July 14th we are flying to Alberta to attend the Victory World Conference in Lethbridge. The Conference is happening from the 15th to the 19th and by the grace of God we are representing Victory Church's of Cambodia.
On the 19th I will be speaking at the Victory Church in Fort Macleod and then on the 21st will be sharing at the Victory Church in Three Hills.
Please be praying for God to use me to encourage the body of Christ at these different meetings! I really believe that God wants to use us to encourage people to do whatever they can to bring in the end time harvest and get involved in missions.
Blessings and I'm looking forward to seeing many of you this summer!
Thanks for coming to Three Hills and sharing your story with us ! God bless you and your team
Carolin L.
I heard you and Boosapaul speak in Fort Langley. And God totally used that in my life, just thought I would share it as an encouragement:
When I heard you I thought hmm Cambodia, I would find that scary. then I thought, when was the last time I felt that kind of fear? The oh-no-am-I-ready-for-what-God-is-calling-me-to fear that is followed by leaps of faith. I won't get into the drawn out details, but it reminded me that my life is about serving not "taking" or focusing on my own success. And so I said "God, point me in the direction you want me to go". And he answered quickly! I am now dancing in a production dedicated to raising funds for and awareness of social justice issues (specifically poverty and sexual explotaition). Anyhow so just wanted to let you know that God used your example to push this vancouver actress/dancer into touring all over the place, for free, and jumping into the unknown.
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