Currently we have about 15 youth attending our youth group every Saturday night at 6:30pm.
Candy and Rachelle have been heading up that ministry for the past few months and have been doing an awesome job.
A few months ago our youth went to Pursat for 3 days and just had a great time of drawing closer to the Lord. The truck broke down on the way there and there were a few other 'exciting' moments but many of the young people came back excited about the Lord, which was the purpose!
Our worship team for years has consisted of just myself playing the guitar for Srai Sim but after teaching Dree the drums for over 3 years we have a pretty sweet little 18 year old drummer now! Sopayuk plays the guitar when he can and sometimes Dree will play the bass and I'll play the drums. Srai Sim leads worship on most Sundays and is just one passionate worship leader!! Pau helps to sing and so does Makara and Srai Roit. Maroit is a pastors daughter and we are getting her to lead worship on Sundays sometimes. We have a long ways to go musically for sure but God knows we are trying!!