Guys! How is everyone doing?
I was going to wait a few more weeks before writing an update, but since things have gotten ‘interesting’ around here, I thought I would let you all know what is happening!!
Some of you might have heard about the recent tension between Thailand and Cambodia concerning an ancient temple and some land that is about 200 Kilometres north-east of Poipet.
Technically the land has belonged to Cambodia since 1962 but after it was named a ‘Historical Landmark ‘ by some world agency, Thailand has gotten interested and wants to claim the temple and land as its own.
Of course there has been internal conflict and underlying tension between the two countries for years so this recent upheaval is not entirely about this temple and the surrounding land.
Many Khmer people in Poipet have already fled to their hometowns for fear of the fighting spilling over here.
I have decided to continue on as normal and will preach the Gospel no matter what.
Joshua 1:9 commands us not to be afraid because the Lord God is with us, so I will trust in the Lord and am believing for a great harvest because of all the uncertainty.
I encourage you to please be praying for peace between these two countries and that this problem will be resolved quickly.
Besides the threat of War things here are going great.
Our English classes are growing and many of our students have been coming to Church lately.
Our little music school on Fridays has 6 new students and though last week I was teaching 8 students the drums and the guitar at practically the same time, I was pumped all these young guys were there and I could connect with them.
Two weeks ago we had 70 plus people attend our Church service in Poipet!
Our church on Sunday probably averages 35 people so myself and my leaders were totally encouraged!
Many of the people that came were Aids patients, street kids, beggars and young college aged people.
Teams from Abbotsford, the Philippines and CLA in Canada will be arriving in the next few weeks so we are excited to host these teams and help them play their role in the Great Commission in Cambodia.
Bless you guys,
Joel Reimer
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