We say 'God is Good!!' sometimes as Christians in such a casual way. Lately I have gotten the absolute, Holy Spirit given Revelation, that the God I serve, the God who calls me 'His son' , the God who loved me enough to die for me, really is GOOD!! Like He's REALLY GOOD!!! You are probably like, 'Dude, I get it already!' but man, when you get this revelation in your Spirit you just want to be the most radical, faith-filled Christian, who is willing to make sacrifices, and become a living sacrifice, so that the whole World will know that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!
I have been crying a lot lately, which is always a good sign that my heart is soft and my spirit is in tune with the Holy Spirit. I hear a worship song, and I will just feel the Love of the Lord all around me, I will share a story at a meeting and God just turns me into a wreck!!! Its humbling to lose it in front of strangers but I wouldn't change that intimate feeling with the Lord for anything in the World!!
Here are some pictures of a girl who the Lord has given me the honor of getting to know in the last 2 months. Her name is Avin Houghland from White Rock, BC. She served with Imagine Thailand (PAOC) in Thailand for 14 months and is currently back home working and serving with an emerging Church in Vancouver called 'More than 12.' Would really appreciate your prayers for us and for Wisdom and Discernment.
hey Joel - Ian McMaster here Irish guy who lived and worked in Pattaya for a few years - hope you remember me?!! Want to email you - can you mail me please so I get your address
thanks buddy
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