I seriously don't know where to begin!!! Its been an encredible last month
in Cambodia, serving the King of Kings!!
We just finished up our first ever Victory Church of Cambodia Conference,
and thank you Jesus, it was a huge success!!!!
After a lot of planning and then frantic last minute preparation, our Conf.
kicked off on Friday night, Nov. 10th.
We met on the roof of this well known restaurant in Poipet, and by the grace
of God 120 people showed up the first night!! For us, this was major
breakthrough cause most of our home churches average 10-20 people!
4 Canadian Victory missionaries, serving God in Sriracha, came to help out
and record what God is doing in Poipet. They were such a blessing!! They all
preached during the Conf. and helped us pray for people and took video
footage of the ministry for the Continuum TV show.
For 2 and half days we worshipped together, prayed together, ate together
and were stirred up together by the word of God!!!
I believe many of the Khmer people's lives were changed as we prayed for the
Holy Spirit to fill them and transform their minds.
But all of this was just the icing on the cake of an amazingly fruiful last
We saw 29 people come to the Lord and of those 29, 4 of those people were
HIV positive waiting to die at a local clinic! Another 20 of those were kids
who got saved after Matt did his best Zacheus impression and climbed a
One of the major challenges of this last month was going through a life and
death situation with my Cambodian pastors wife.
She was 5 months pregnant when she first let us know that she had been
bleeding steadily for a month. Our American Dr. friend diagnosed the
situation and then called for an emergency meeting.
10 of us gathered together and then the Dr went on to say that unless
something was done immediately, both the mother and baby would die because
'Maria' had lost so much blood.
We prayed for her and then began to discuss what their next move should be.
After a few failed attempts at getting clean blood and proper care in
Cambodia, Pastor Ros and his wife crossed into Thailand to look for help
After being there for a few days the Dr's saw that Maria was getting weaker
and weaker. They decided to perform a 'C' section and remove the baby. The
baby died shortly after being removed.
Maria slowly recovered after the operation but is doing fine now and was
very involved in the Conf.
So praise God we are gaining momentuum in Cambodia and the gates of Hell
will not prevail against the bride of Christ!!!
My total support last month was $790.00. If you you feel led to support the
ministry I am involved in you can send finances to:
A and D World Missions
Box 26010 Centre Village Mall
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 6H4
(Cheques can be made out to 'A and D World Missions', with a note saying its
for Joel Reimer in Cambodia)
( Automatic Withdrawl can be arranged as well (email-
adworld@telusplanet.net) You will recieve a tax deductible receipt for your
Please continue to pray for breakthrough in Poipet and that God would move
in power in the hearts of all the believers. Pray for a greater annointing
for myself to lead these people and to be a Christ-like example!!
Bless you all