This season, unlike everything that western culture has made it to be, is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! The whole story is so mind-boggling when you really think about it!! We have gotten so used to hearing the 'story' of the birth of Christ that I believe we have lost the 'Awe' factor!! How it all came to be that God, was born to a Virgin, in the middle of no-where, and God himself chose to let the most unlikely people know that it was occurring is just so cool! Hollywood would never have dared to write a script like the script that was written surrounding Jesus coming to earth! It would have seemed to far fetched!!
I realize more and more that I desperately need a saviour to save me from myself and my wicked inclinations and a God who also is able to love me and be gracious towards me like a good father who sees the best in his off-spring!
I want to wish all of you a blessed Christmas and my prayer is that you would fall more and more in love with Jesus Christ and may we all just surrender to His ways and live life abundantly!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Change is a Coming!!
I think that is the famous line from an old folk song from the 60's or 70's!! If you have no idea what I am talking about, forgive me!!
I meant to tell all of you about this a month ago but just never got around to it. As you might have seen from an earlier posting, I have met a great woman of God!!! Avin Houghland and myself have been 'going out' ( if you can call it that when you're 30 plus!) for 2 and a half months and its been pretty amazing!
Due to that fact, my original plans of going to Perth, Australia to do a "School of Music in Missions" with YWAM has changed! It doesn't make a lot of sense anymore to fly around the world, when something I have been believing God for, for a long time, has happened here in Canada.
So this coming January I will be staying in Canada and will be finding a job of some kind. For those of you who have already donated funds for me to go to Australia, I trust that you understand the situation and would be praying for Avin and myself.
If you have any questions about any of this, or words of Knowledge for myself, prophecies ect., seriously contact me here or at
I meant to tell all of you about this a month ago but just never got around to it. As you might have seen from an earlier posting, I have met a great woman of God!!! Avin Houghland and myself have been 'going out' ( if you can call it that when you're 30 plus!) for 2 and a half months and its been pretty amazing!
Due to that fact, my original plans of going to Perth, Australia to do a "School of Music in Missions" with YWAM has changed! It doesn't make a lot of sense anymore to fly around the world, when something I have been believing God for, for a long time, has happened here in Canada.
So this coming January I will be staying in Canada and will be finding a job of some kind. For those of you who have already donated funds for me to go to Australia, I trust that you understand the situation and would be praying for Avin and myself.
If you have any questions about any of this, or words of Knowledge for myself, prophecies ect., seriously contact me here or at
Monday, November 29, 2010
God is Good!!
We say 'God is Good!!' sometimes as Christians in such a casual way. Lately I have gotten the absolute, Holy Spirit given Revelation, that the God I serve, the God who calls me 'His son' , the God who loved me enough to die for me, really is GOOD!! Like He's REALLY GOOD!!! You are probably like, 'Dude, I get it already!' but man, when you get this revelation in your Spirit you just want to be the most radical, faith-filled Christian, who is willing to make sacrifices, and become a living sacrifice, so that the whole World will know that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!
I have been crying a lot lately, which is always a good sign that my heart is soft and my spirit is in tune with the Holy Spirit. I hear a worship song, and I will just feel the Love of the Lord all around me, I will share a story at a meeting and God just turns me into a wreck!!! Its humbling to lose it in front of strangers but I wouldn't change that intimate feeling with the Lord for anything in the World!!
Here are some pictures of a girl who the Lord has given me the honor of getting to know in the last 2 months. Her name is Avin Houghland from White Rock, BC. She served with Imagine Thailand (PAOC) in Thailand for 14 months and is currently back home working and serving with an emerging Church in Vancouver called 'More than 12.' Would really appreciate your prayers for us and for Wisdom and Discernment.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Cranbrook/Trail- CLA Interns 2010
Friends!! Here are just a few pictures from a recent ministry trip with 6 Interns from my home church, Christian Life Assembly in Langley BC. I actually went along with these awesome young people, not as their leader but as the 'drummer' and the guy who 'tried' key word is 'tried' to take care of the money!!! We drove to Trail BC (what a gorgeous part of BC!! Wow!!) where Justin Schwaab led worship and Steven Barks shared his testimony and the whole team did a real powerful drama to music.
That night we stayed with an awesome couple in Castlegar who were just awesome hosts, and the next morning we drove to Cranbrook. We stayed at Abundant Life church where Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Carol took care of us, along with members of their church. We were able to help out in a few practical ways as well as putting on a VBS for some local kids on Saturday afternoon and an hour or so on Sunday afternoon.
Schwaab led worship on Sunday morning and after having some great fellowship with the Pastors, former and Present, we hit the road the next morning back to the Fraser Valley.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Please Pray for Me!!
I just wanted all you guys who read this blog to be in prayer for me. For those of you who do pray for me, thanks a ton. God really does honor the prayers of a Righteous man! Your prayers are powerful and are a weapon against the plans of the enemy.
Last night I had a great talk with a spiritual father of mine. He confronted me about a few things, and though my face went red and it was difficult to take, I respect him a ton for having the godly courage to speak with me. I need to be a son in the faith cause I need to be accountable. I love it when people speak into my life and tell me where I need to shape up, especially when it’s done by those who love me and want what is best for me.
I want to go deeper in my relationship with Jesus Christ, I want to know God intimately and I desire Him to satisfy me in everyway. The Bible speaks about how we can walk in a Covenant relationship with the Lord, not just always relying on the mercy and grace of God.
We can walk in that marriage type relationship with our Lord and it’s there where we have authority, a greater anointing, intimacy, favor and blessing.
Whenever I step out to walk in this kind of relationship I feel like all hell breaks loose and I am tempted around every corner. The Word speaks about ‘ what I desire to do, I don’t do, and what I don’t want to do, I do.’ That seems to sum up my walk with God so often.
Please pray that God would empower me with His Spirit, and strengthen my faith by the Word, so that I can overcome the flesh, and all its desires, and walk in a Covenant relationship with the Lord. This is the cry of my heart, this is what I am desiring above all things. That Jesus would increase and I would decrease and God would be able to use me.
Please pray for me guys, I covet your prayers and can’t win this battle on my own.
Last night I had a great talk with a spiritual father of mine. He confronted me about a few things, and though my face went red and it was difficult to take, I respect him a ton for having the godly courage to speak with me. I need to be a son in the faith cause I need to be accountable. I love it when people speak into my life and tell me where I need to shape up, especially when it’s done by those who love me and want what is best for me.
I want to go deeper in my relationship with Jesus Christ, I want to know God intimately and I desire Him to satisfy me in everyway. The Bible speaks about how we can walk in a Covenant relationship with the Lord, not just always relying on the mercy and grace of God.
We can walk in that marriage type relationship with our Lord and it’s there where we have authority, a greater anointing, intimacy, favor and blessing.
Whenever I step out to walk in this kind of relationship I feel like all hell breaks loose and I am tempted around every corner. The Word speaks about ‘ what I desire to do, I don’t do, and what I don’t want to do, I do.’ That seems to sum up my walk with God so often.
Please pray that God would empower me with His Spirit, and strengthen my faith by the Word, so that I can overcome the flesh, and all its desires, and walk in a Covenant relationship with the Lord. This is the cry of my heart, this is what I am desiring above all things. That Jesus would increase and I would decrease and God would be able to use me.
Please pray for me guys, I covet your prayers and can’t win this battle on my own.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Future Plans!!
Guys!! How is everyone doing? I pray you all had a great summer!!
I had an amazing summer seeing good friends and family members and was able to take some sweet road trips!
I just wanted to let you all know what my plans were for the fall and for the new year.
This fall I will be teaching a course for the 2nd year Interns at CLA and working part-time, as well as being around my church family and enjoying life in North America!! (So if you see me at every basketball game in the Fraser Valley don't be surprised!)
I have also decided to go to YWAM in Perth, Australia (Where my little sister Nadine has been for 10 years) and attend a School of Music in Missions (SOMM).
The main reasons why I am going there is number 1- to be in a strong Christian Community where I know I will be challenged and will grow in my faith, number 2- to improve as a musician and worship leader so I can teach about music and worship in a greater way back in Asia, and number 3- to gain a fresh perspective on God, life, ministry and what it means to follow Christ.
(Lecture Phase $3,900 Au/ $4-5,000Au Outreach Phase/ $550Au Australian Visa/ $2,000Au- Plane Ticket)
On another note, the ministry in Cambodia is carrying on and God is using Harley Voogd, Patrick Meir, Carin McCoy, Srai Sim and all our Cambodian staff members and volunteers to do great things.
A Safe House project is currently in the beginning stages and our Church planting ministry that includes an English School, a Music School, and 29 Home Churches with other evangelistic ministries are still continuing on.
If God is speaking to you about partnering with our ministry in Cambodia, or about partnering with me as I plan on attending this
School of Music in Missions with YWAM in Australia, you can make out Cheques to:
'A and D World Missions' and send that Cheque to - A and D World Missions, PO Box 26010 Centre Village Mall,
Lethbridge, Alberta, T1H 6H4
**** If you want your support to go to CAMBODIA, please write 'Cambodia' on the memo line of the Cheque****
****If you want to partner with me as I attend the SOMM in Australia, please write 'JOEL' on the memo line****
(All Donors will receive Tax deductible receipts for their donations)
Thanks again for your prayers and support!! Together we can work together and play our part in the Great Commission!
(The pictures are from a Missions Trip to Bella Coola/ Redstone BC with CIMB ministries! Was able to share the gospel with some first nations people and hang with some great guys for 6 days and bless a few ministries!) (Pictures/Videos/ Info. about our Church)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Bella Coola Trip!!
Guys!! Just wanted to ask you all to pray for me and a bunch of guys that are heading to Bella Coola (Northern BC) this Thursday. (Ralph Peters of CLIMB Ministries has headed up this trip for the last four years with his brother Ron.)
We will be in Bella Coola for 2 nights where some guys will be playing music and I will have a chance to share the Gospel. On Sunday morning a few guys will be sharing the Word and myself and another guy will be leading worship.
We will also be constructing the form for a concrete pad in Redstone, on which a building will be built in the future.
I am believing God for 100 souls on this trip and break through in the lives of the first nations people that we meet.
Please pray for protection as we drive and that no matter what happens, Jesus Christ would be glorified and people would leave the Kingdom of darkness and enter the Kingdom of light!!
I should be back on the 14th and would still love to get together with many of you!
We will be in Bella Coola for 2 nights where some guys will be playing music and I will have a chance to share the Gospel. On Sunday morning a few guys will be sharing the Word and myself and another guy will be leading worship.
We will also be constructing the form for a concrete pad in Redstone, on which a building will be built in the future.
I am believing God for 100 souls on this trip and break through in the lives of the first nations people that we meet.
Please pray for protection as we drive and that no matter what happens, Jesus Christ would be glorified and people would leave the Kingdom of darkness and enter the Kingdom of light!!
I should be back on the 14th and would still love to get together with many of you!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Alberta Trip!!
Family, how are you all doing? I just came back from a short trip to Alberta where the Lord just blessed my boots off!! I was in West Edmonton on August 15th where I had the honor of sharing at Victory Church on the Rock. Pastor Jonathan Krenz and his family were the ultimate hosts and it was a real blessing to get to know them as well as his Church family.
On the 16th I took a bus to Red Deer and then got picked up by Peter and met his wife Wanda later that night. We camped by the Red Deer river, rode their 3 horses for a couple days on some spectacular trails, ate some unreal food and just had great Christian fellowship.
Living like a cowboy for a couple days was a dream come true, so here are a few shots from that experience.
I pray that all who read this would fall in love with Jesus more and more!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Anybody weary?!!!
If somebody were to ask me that I would raise both hands in the air and say "YES!!" As Christians who are living lives of faith and constantly going against the grain of this world, becoming weary is just a fact of life.
The Lord Jesus says, " Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." What a promise!! What an awesome word from the Lord that gives us hope for the future!! When we come to the Lord in humility, with surrendered wills, and just begin to spend time with our Creator, He will give us rest!! Peace of mind is restored, heaviness is restored with Joy, bitterness is replaced by forgiveness and we can just 'LIVE' like we were meant too!
If you haven't come to the Lord lately in an intentional way, I really encourage you to take time out of your busy day to do that!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Youth Group/ Sailing Ect.
Well I am back in Canada and it feels great to be home! I feel like I can just relax these days and it's just a great feeling! We are so crazy busy sometimes in Cambodia its a little overwhelming.
I am trying to rest these days but am still making time to get together with family and friends. I had the privilege of going sailing for a few days around Swartz Bay on Vancouver Island with the Browns, had a blast with 2 of my nephews in Abby before taking them home to my sister in Salmon Arm, and was able to attend Lacey's wedding which had me in tears the whole time! Hey I am a crier, what can I say?!! Its a blessing and curse!!
Here are some picture of our Youth Group in Poipet and some of my activities since arriving back in Canada.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
'Return Unto Me'
I don't know about you, but when I start thinking about home, and my family, I get emotional.
I have lived the last 10 years of my life far away from my immediate family and the place where I was born and raised.
If you listen to a lot of secular songs, even these folks that don't know the Lord sing about going home and you can tell it's emotional for them. I think that is why the Prodigal Son story is really powerful for so many people. When that 'Prodigal Son' decided to go home, it was a big deal. It wasn't just the physical fact that he was going home but it symbolized a RETURN to what he knew to be good and true. It meant he would have to humble himself in the sight of his father, his family and all that knew him. People at home know you. They know where you come from, and what you have been through. It's humbling to go home but it's a good thing.
On July 2nd I am flying home after being gone for 1 year. I will be in Canada for a few months and then am hoping to go to a Worship/Music School somewhere in the states this next year.
Missionaries and my Cambodian Staff will lead the ministry while I am gone and I am believing the Lord will continue to provide for them while I am gone.
Looking forward to seeing many of you really soon!
I have lived the last 10 years of my life far away from my immediate family and the place where I was born and raised.
If you listen to a lot of secular songs, even these folks that don't know the Lord sing about going home and you can tell it's emotional for them. I think that is why the Prodigal Son story is really powerful for so many people. When that 'Prodigal Son' decided to go home, it was a big deal. It wasn't just the physical fact that he was going home but it symbolized a RETURN to what he knew to be good and true. It meant he would have to humble himself in the sight of his father, his family and all that knew him. People at home know you. They know where you come from, and what you have been through. It's humbling to go home but it's a good thing.
On July 2nd I am flying home after being gone for 1 year. I will be in Canada for a few months and then am hoping to go to a Worship/Music School somewhere in the states this next year.
Missionaries and my Cambodian Staff will lead the ministry while I am gone and I am believing the Lord will continue to provide for them while I am gone.
Looking forward to seeing many of you really soon!
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Pictures from India!
I was in Southern India for 10 days with my good friend, Kris Pagan, working with Joseph, an Indian student who is attending my former Bible school, VBCI in Thailand. We spent 3 days with Josephs family in a little village outside of Gatakurem, and then spent the next 7 days traveling by car, train, rick-shaw, motorbike- you name it!!, all over southern India. We preached at 4 different meetings, prayed for a lot of people, shook a thousand hands, visited a 60 year old Prison, saw two famous Hindu Temples and saw some pretty amazing cities and sights! It was a whirl-wind tour! We had some serious close-calls as we travelled but all in all it was a great time! Kris is currently editing and producing the footage that we shot while we travelled. If you check out 'CONMEDAL' on YOUTUBE you can check out the show from India as well as other shows about the ministry here in Cambodia.
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Day in the Life of Victory Cambodia...
Check out these latest pics at Victory Churches of Cambodia.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
7 Weeks in Asia
Hey if you're between 15-20 years old, and want to go on a missions trip that's a once in a life time opportunity, then read on to find out how to sign up for "7 Weeks in Asia". "7 Weeks" is a seven week long missions trip for young adults which runs during the summer months. The trip starts in Thailand and continues throughout South East Asia, including Cambodia! So watch the video titled "7 Weeks in Asia"(click me!) and find out how to sign up.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Your Destiny, My Destiny....Cambodia's Destiny!!
Newest "Continuum" episode about Cambodia. Check it out here: Victory Churches of Cambodia
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Check out some new videos on our website!
Here is the latest episode about our ministry in Cambodia, courtesy of Continuum Media! Click here: "The Kids of Cambodia" to watch an eye-opening video about the realities of life for PoiPet's children.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Cows for Christ!!!

Yes, I know. Some of you are like. " Those poor cows!!" And yeah no doubt, they were not comfortable AT ALL!! But they LIVED, praise God!!! So after that glimpse of how compassionate I am towards 4 legged creatures!!! , the reason for putting them in that position was because I had to move my 2 Cows, 'Larry Bird' and 'Pete Maravich' (Yeah they are girls, and Mother and Daughter but whatever!!) to poipet cause some ancient buddhist Priest couldn't take care of them anymore! Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Victory Churches Cambodia has a New Website!
Check out our new website! It's still in its early stages, but we will upload more vids, and pics soon! We also have a new email address people can start using. The new address will help us to communicate with all of you better! Follow this link to see it all: Victory Churches of Cambodia
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
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